Aspect talismans
are specially designed to help counteract negative influences caused by certain
problematic planetary alignments that appear in a person's natal horoscope, such
as oppositions
or squares. The talismans shown below were created to correct such
negatively aligned planetary
forces and to bring them together, through an alliance of their respective
angels, in a beneficial &
harmonious unity. The astrological symbols of the relevant planets are combined
and surrounded
by angelic sigils and enclosed within a double circle filled with hexagrams and
Hebrew letters spelling
out the Magic word "ARARITA"--a Qabalistic Notaricon derived from the sentence:
"One is His
Beginning, One is His Individuality, His Permutation is One." This is a powerful
unifying mantra.
Note: "Simon Jester" watermark does
not appear on actual talismans.
The talismans
shown above are examples of Aspect Harmonizing Talismans I've recently designed
people challenged by oppositions between these particular planets in
their horoscopes. Such talismans
must, of course, be personalized. Unless you already know the particular
aspects of your horoscope
that need harmonized, making one of these talismans for you requires that I research
your natal chart
and determine its exact planetary relationships.
Natal Chart
Research Fee: Add $10.00 to the prices listed below.
Please include complete
date, time, and place of birth.
Plain Parchment
or card stock(2.75" diameter):
$5.95 + $2.50 shipping & handling
Parchment backed
with black painted wooden disk
(3" diameter):
$8.95 + $2.50 Shipping & Handling
Framed Version: $12.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling
versions of these planetary talismans can be requested for
an additional charge of $15.00. Time must be allowed for the stars
& planets to be in the proper configurations for the charging & consecration
of talismans with the desired forces.
I accept money orders and
For requests and ordering information, email Simon Jester at:
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